Collegiate Soccer League



2,345 items First page Previous page of 118

Club Sort ascending.Player Sort ascending.AP Sort ascending.ST Sort ascending.SB Sort ascending.G Sort ascending.Y Sort ascending.R Sort ascending.
Flinders UniHarry Harding743000
Port PiratesGlen He21210050
Uni WhiteKishan Naidu422000
Adelaide CometsHamidreza Shoari1082021
PlymptonMassimo Bartemucci862010
Club Sort ascending.Player Sort ascending.AP Sort ascending.ST Sort ascending.SB Sort ascending.G Sort ascending.Y Sort ascending.R Sort ascending.
  Appearances   ST:  Games started   SB:  Used as sub   G  Goals   Y  Yellow Cards   R  Red Cards  
2,345 items First page Previous page Current Page118 of 118