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Regency Game

Posted: Fri May 27, 2011 2:27 pm
by skids
Anybody know what happened in the Westminster versus Regency game at the weekend? Result shows it as "postponed" and yet the list of Round 5 suspensions includes 3 Regency players, one of which "tore up the match sheet". Up to their old tricks by the sounds of it...

Re: Regency Game

Posted: Sat May 28, 2011 12:03 am
by DMW
This sounds like they are up to their old tricks... Needs to be dealt with quickly...

Re: Regency Game

Posted: Sat May 28, 2011 3:57 pm
by John Pits
Personally, I don't understand how they are still allowed to play in the league. I heard that the referee was attacked and chased in the carpark after the game. How are we meant to go out and enjoy a game of football when there's stuff like this happening? I know that I don't want my team playing against them because there's a good chance that someone could get hurt. How we have allowed a team that was kicked out of a league into ours is beyond me. The Collegiate League Commitee needs to act swiftly and get rid of these idiots before something really bad happens. It's plain to see that they are a risk, so why not take action now and prevent something from happening instead of waiting for someone to be seriously hurt? We can't expect officials to want to officiate our matches with behaviour like this either.

Re: Regency Game

Posted: Sat May 28, 2011 9:55 pm
by dash riprock
Was it that bad???? With all the stuff going on in the SAASL it does need to be sorted quickly.... The second a ref is intimidated, threatened or attacked, its time to do something drastic....
I'm slowly losing my love for the game as this sort of thing happens to often now.....At the risk of being berated, the pattern has been clear for a while with the teams that possess a strong ethnic identity being the main culprits... We had a referee attacked during a game a few years ago and the team was kicked out the league... They reformed as a different club and the idiot who attacked the Ref played on for a different team.
Which brings me to my next rant....Without player ID cards, does anyone really think that the Regency 3 won't have played this weekend??? The system is open to abuse and has been already...... Thoughts??

Re: Regency Game

Posted: Sat May 28, 2011 11:21 pm
by UniSA
Did the regency game go ahead? All the scores have been updated and their games have not.

Re: Regency Game

Posted: Sat May 28, 2011 11:59 pm
by DP_
To bring some facts to the discussion, I'm from Westminster and was at the match. Westminster were leading 3-1 about halfway through the second half when Regency had a goal disallowed for offside. A number of Regency players then surrounded the ref to argue and it went downhill from there. There were a few yellow cards and eventually a few red as the protests continued. One of the red-carded players left the pitch then came back on, grabbed the teamsheet out of the ref's hands and ripped it up. The ref then abandoned the game and walked off.

I'm not aware of any incident in the carpark and the ref left at the same time as a few of our lads so I'd be surprised if something else happened without us knowing, but I haven't seen the ref's report. We collected the pieces of the teamsheet (about 25 of them!) and I had a fun Sunday afternoon piecing it back together to identify the cards the ref had a chance to record. We have submitted a report to the league and expect to be awarded the three points in due course.

Obviously not a good incident for the league and hopefully it will be dealt with quickly. I don't know the facts but it sounds like there's been a few previous incidents with Regency so it will be interesting to see what the CSL does. I wasn't sure about posting details on here but thought it's probably better than letting the rumour mill do its thing.

Re: Regency Game

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 9:28 am
by skids
Well thanks for answering the original question DP - thought there maybe a story to it!

One of our games last season with Regency resulted in the referee asking for the police to be called because he feared it would get out of hand. He had to deal with their substitutes, spectators and coaching staff all invading the pitch after requesting a penalty to be retaken. The intimidation went on for a number of minutes...completely unacceptable. The incident was reported to the CSL who have said the situation is being monitored, but we really have no visibility of their actions. There's only so many warnings that teams can be given though...

Re: Regency Game

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 10:53 am
by ChrisRogers
Linking back to the referees thread, who would want to start refereeing when we see games getting out of hand consistently across different leagues?

There should be a formal warning policy and/or fine for clubs/players that abuse the referees leading to unconditional expulsion from the league.

Re: Regency Game

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 11:22 am
by dash riprock
Nahh. Facts are always the go!!
We struggle to get refs as it is without any other issues!!
For the record, we had one of the new refs coming through yesterday (had his quals validated in a morning Super League game then reffed us) and he was great..... Hopefully a sign of things to come!

Re: Regency Game

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 5:49 pm
by DMW
What happened with the North City v Regency match?
Does anyone have a score?