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Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 5:20 pm
by White Unicorn
Just a thought for next season. Is it all possible to perhaps have FFSA linseman appointed? Seems that a lot of the abuse that is creeping into matches is a direct result of poor officiating by club linesman which in turn angers spectators and players who take it out on the ref. Is it due to lack of numbers that linesman's dont officiate? They should at least be appointed on 1A matches if available.

Re: Referees

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 1:51 pm
by wojindows
A club can ask the FFSA for linesmen on a week-by-week basis. Then it depends whether there are any available.

Re: Referees

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 2:43 pm
by White Unicorn
Maybe if there a enough to go round we should make it compulsory or them be allocated. I am seeing the level of abuse increasing due to incompetant linesman. Makes the ref's job a hellava lot harder.

Re: Referees

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 1:20 pm
by Marechiaro17
As long as Damir Dokic is not refereeing I'll be happy.

Re: Referees

Posted: Fri May 27, 2011 12:16 pm
by dash riprock
It would be nice just to have a referee turn up!!! Never mind linesmen...
We had an A and B game last week where a ref was allocated and din't turn up.... The result was chaos on and off the pitch which would have been nipped ij nt he bud if a Ref had been there... No notification thaty he wasn't coming, which led to a late kick off as we didn't have any one to ref (literally), a few bad tackles unpunished leading to tension and the predictable blow ups, touch line tension etc etc.
Maybe the refs should be blacklisted if they don't arrive at a commitment??? Apparently we have gone from under supply to over supply with some Refs getting one game. Maybe thats why they don't turn up?? Don't know but any A game without a Ref is Betty Swallox and to the two guys who tried their respect in lieu of the complete lack of shown by some players, one of the coaches and some of the supporters!

Re: Referees

Posted: Fri May 27, 2011 5:27 pm
by nobody
this is going to be an ongoing problem which the league needs to sort out. Is the problem too many games and not enough refs? Or should they be getting paid a little more to make it worth while? I hope it doesn't get to the stage where we all have to supply our own refs because this is what seperates us from the amature league. Every game should have a ref and it is up to the league to ensure this happens. So far this season we have had 3 games including the cup with no referees and to be honest none of them felt like an official game. It is a joke and it needs to be fixed if this is going to be a serious professionally run league.
Rumour is that there will be quite a few games this week without referees....I hope I'm wrong.

Re: Referees

Posted: Fri May 27, 2011 5:48 pm
by dash riprock
Totally agree.... As for a cup game without a Ref....Thats a shocker!!
Across our 3 teams we have had no ref 5 times already and like I said, the chaod that ensued during the A game was neither pretty or clever.
It is a fundamental difference between the SAASL and the CSL on paper but the deal is being broken a few times more than promised. Needs to be sorted quickly.... :evil:

Re: Referees

Posted: Sat May 28, 2011 11:09 am
by nobody
I can only see it getting worse...unfortunately.
With the csl continuosly looking at expanding we will be exactly like the saasl. The league needs to realise that a high quality, well organised specialised league is better than an average league with 100 clubs. It looks like the powers to be rate quantity over quality which is sad.
The solution to referees is to source the required amount of refs to support the league. Come to an agreement with payments and get them on board as part of the league. THEN if the league wants to expand make sure you recruit the required amount of officials to support the new teams.
It is a simple business model. BUT it looks like referees are not important to the league but more teams are.

Re: Referees

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2011 8:17 pm
by dash riprock
Might be better that no ref turns up rather than the lazy, useless turnip that refree'd the 2 Unley cup games today... He was consistent in as much he never left the half way line in both games and refused to acknowledge EITHER linesman at any point during the games!!! An absolute clown who shouldn't be allowed to take the $75 match fee for those efforts....Didn't affect the results in fairness but was bloody frustrating to both sides!!

Re: Referees

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 9:11 am
by yak
Dash, send the CSL a report on the Ref. We did it a few times last season (good and bad) & it's worth doing.