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Team Lineups after Cup / Rd 1

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2014 7:03 pm
by chelsea
Over the last few years the CSL and in particular J Windows from Uni White have updated the CSL website to make the league run more smoothly yet clubs still dont bother to make sure that all the weekly data is up loaded.

My question is should we bother? There are some clubs out there that get all their data in. Some get most of it in and then some get none.

The other pattern that occurs is that at the start of the season it is ok and then it drops off.

From the 1st 2 rounds these are the stats:

Cup round 1. 31 games - 62 line ups to be uploaded - 9 not done - Aprox 15% not entered.

League Rd 1. 32 games - 64 line ups to be uploaded - 8 not done - Approx 13% not entered.

percentage will only increase as the season goes on.

I would be interested to see what people think about this.

Well done to the clubs that make sure all their data is in.

It would be great to see a 100% record for at least 1 round.

I think this might be the 2/3 year so clubs should not have an excuse.

Look forward to comments

Re: Team Lineups after Cup / Rd 1

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2014 10:32 am
by Ross30
I think it needs to be mandatory for all clubs to enter details for all their teams, or else the system may as well be scrapped. And penalties actually need to be imposed in every case of non-compliance before clubs will take the "requirement" seriously.

At present it is unfair that some teams post all the required details yet others make no effort at all. Some clubs take 48 hours to put up a result on the website when it is a very easy task which takes 10 seconds to do. It should be done within 30 minutes of a game finishing.

Some teams only post their line-ups when they win and others never reveal any information at all. In some cases I suspect that is a deliberate tactic so that other teams do not know who is scoring their goals, who is on the verge of a suspension, who may curently be unavailable, who their new players are, etc. But unless penalties are imposed then there is no reason for clubs to change their behaviour.

The main benefit of clubs posting accurate information on the CSL website is that there is then publically available, up-to-date and accurate league tables and tallies regarding goals, cards, appearances, etc. That eliminates the problem of delays in match sheets being delivered to and processed by the CSL. Surely clubs already keep their own records, so is it that hard to enter it on the CSL website?

If clubs really do think it's a step too far and that they shouldn't have to submit their line-ups, or that the system needs to somehow change then please speak up. But, as things stand, clubs are expected to be submitting info for all their teams every week and I hope that those that don't will be penalised very soon.

Re: Team Lineups after Cup / Rd 1

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2014 10:30 pm
by wojindows
Definitely give me feedback if your club has issues with entering results / lineups. I think it's pretty straightforward, but I'm probably biassed.

I just assumed that clubs would like to have a record of their player stats... but I must be wrong...

Re: Team Lineups after Cup / Rd 1

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2014 8:23 am
by Squeezy Cheesey Peas
Personally, theres no excuse for not doing it and it really does take a minute once the teams are uploaded...
To balance the debate, feedback I received last season (and I don't neceesarily agree with all / any of it) from various people:
- Its not easy / possible to do on smart phones. Most people are on the net with these devices and don't have laptops / pc's. Its fiddly at best on a smart phone
- After a day at the soccer, most of the guys are in Saturday night mode and after a few bers forget......
- Its another layer of work for what are essentailly volunteers. They fill in match sheets, text in results and now have to fill in the same data on line.

I spent a fair amount of time last season doing it late Saturday when others had forgotten, not bothered or couldn't do it....
A point made by a few (and only a few because only a few ever do anything!!) is that the administration burden on clubs has been creeping higher each season (having to retake photo's of players even if photos already exist etc etc) and this is just another layer of work for already stretched volunteers. So.. although its only a minute (and I agere its that easy / quick), it seems a bridge too far for some!
Also, I think the idea of enalties for not filling it in has to be thought about. My view is that the list of penalties this year has grown and the league is becoming a little obsessed with fines, penalties and the like. I totally support penalties for important things but now you are fined for missing a plenary session, fined for not texting a result in, threat of fines for not having all the photo's uploaded by a certain date.... Keep fines and penalties for important things (whatever constitutes important!!) and lets not rush to fine everything because a few of the more orgainsed and throrough people in the league are frustrated. We need to understand why people / clubs don't / can't do the right thing rather than blindly apply fines to everything..... Just a thought and not a criticism... trying to put both sides of the debate together :)

Re: Team Lineups after Cup / Rd 1

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2014 9:22 am
by wojindows
Thanks for the feedback SCP. Regarding smart phones - it would be great to be able to use them for results/lineups. However I'm well behind the times, only just getting a smart phone about a month ago... so... again, if anyone has any suggestions on how to improve the usability of these functions - let me know. eg. just point me in the direction of another site. I'll have a crack on mine and see what I can improve.

PS. Good point about having to produce new photos - I didn't understand that either...

Re: Team Lineups after Cup / Rd 1

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2014 12:58 pm
by divineponytail
Issue a fine for those not uploaded

Re: Team Lineups after Cup / Rd 1

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2014 1:03 pm
by ChrisRogers
Personally I think having the stats available far outweighs the few minutes it takes to fill it in following a game.

Also, have an iPhone 5, and while it's not as easy to complete on the mobile, I've done it many times this way.

Re: Team Lineups after Cup / Rd 1

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2014 1:17 pm
by cbfliverpool
I do it for my club every week and it really is not that hard to do, definitely a good thing to have it on the website, I enjoy checking other results and seeing what has happened, and so forth.

Re: Team Lineups after Cup / Rd 1

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 8:26 am
by Squeezy Cheesey Peas
Chris, that's half the point, I too have an I phone and entering the teAms online using that tiny device is like having your teeth pulled out with no anaesthetic!!!
Nearly as hard for these old eyes as filling in the new, pint sizes team sheets!!!
It's all possible but it ain't a one minute job on the I phone!
I Pads for all coaches maybe ;)
Having looked through the missing data also, the trend seems to be by club and similar clubs last season....maybe a gentle nudge required of specific clubs first?

Re: Team Lineups after Cup / Rd 1

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 9:47 am
by wojindows
So it seems entering the lineups is as hard as getting feedback :P

I'll look into it ASAP.