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Alternate grounds

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 9:19 am
by fingers
We just wanted to thank Westminster for kindly allowing Unley to play its home games at their ground on the weekend past.

With all the rain forecast for the weekend, we inquired early with James (Westminster President) and he was able to negotiate with the school on our behalf.

A couple of the Westminster boys even came out and cooked the BBQ on Saturday to make their club some coin and watch 2 pretty entertaining games...

I think it just goes to show that if clubs work together there is almost always a solution with regards to ground changes.

Also thanks to Grads Red, Pembroke and the FFSA for accommodating the change in venue.


Re: Alternate grounds

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 12:43 pm
by buzzy
A couple of other positives:

- Pembroke: After a couple incidents in the league fixtures earlier in the year, Pembroke arranged to invite our A's into the rooms for beers after the cup match and stayed true to their word despite losing the match and probably not being that keen to have beers with us afterwards!
- Unley: They are our biggest rival on the pitch. Despite this they have lent us their ground for pre-season trial games on a few occasions, are donating a couple of kegs of beer for our fundraising BBQ this Saturday and I recall a few years back they gave our B's a carton of beer when they won the league!

Also most clubs are very amicable when it comes to re-scheduling fixtures which has happened an unprecedented number of times this season across all divisions.

Re: Alternate grounds

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 1:47 pm
by fingers
Very true Buzz, our on field rivalry is fierce.

But off field you guys are great supporters and always get behind our fundraising efforts, just as we do yours.

Looking forward to an epic contest on Saturday followed by a few pints afterwards.

Re: Alternate grounds

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 2:18 pm
by chelsea
I remember one year we drew a game with a top club which enabled another club to secure the championship.
The club that won the championship bought us a ctn of beer at the end of the year.

Our club has purchased a few ctns over the years to the winners. Hopefully they all come back when we win something. Most likley not as people might have moved on.

Well done to Mercedes / Unley - always good leaders in raising money for charity. Always want to beat them on the field though.

Re: Alternate grounds

Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 9:26 am
by wojindows
Speaking of alternate grounds - the Uni pitch does not look like it will hold up this weekend - does anyone have any suggestions/options?

Re: Alternate grounds

Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 10:37 am
by boots
Burton again?

Re: Alternate grounds

Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 2:26 pm
by Ross30
Will one pitch at West Beach be available for Grads Red v Uni White 1A and 1B tomorrow?

There are 4 pitches at Barratt Reserve, West Beach. There may also be another pitch further down West Beach Rd.

So far as I'm aware for tomorrow:

- Immanuel have 2 games (1pm and 3pm) at West Beach; and
- Mercedes v Unley will have 4 games played over 2 pitches at West Beach.

That would leave one more pitch available at West Beach if no other games have already been moved there. Grads Red A's game should be given priority in terms of finding a ground, as they already have at least one catch up game and are still in the cup.

Re: Alternate grounds

Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 2:31 pm
by wojindows
Hi Ross

I've rung FFSA re Barratt, and only an 11am timeslot is available - unfortunately Grads Red can't get enough players there at that time.

SAWSA Park is another option - and we are checking it out now - but it could be in bad shape.

Either way, we will postpone our 1B match until next week (or the cup round).


Re: Alternate grounds

Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 2:41 pm
by Ross30
I think perhaps Dino should step in here and decide which games get played ahead of others. Not ideal, I know. But some common sense needs to be applied in these scenarios. Some games can be played next week or in the next cup round, but some cannot.

Do you know which other teams are using the 4th pitch at Barratt Reserve?

Re: Alternate grounds

Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 2:46 pm
by wojindows
No - could be teams from other leagues I guess.