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Not-So Super Friday

Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 11:48 pm
by Ross30
Just in case any neutrals were planning to make the long trek to Burton to watch the Friday night games this week, please note that they were cancelled at late notice today (Thursday) by FFSA. So 8 clubs have had the infuriating task of contacting all their players and checking their availability for the proposed solution of playing this Saturday instead. At such late notice many players will be unable to play and it is easy to envisage some games not proceeding, which then causes a series of flow-on issues (i.e. when catch-up games will be played, stacking teams in lower divisions, finding venues for any mid-week night time catch-up games, etc). The weekend of 27 July is scheduled to be a week off for all div 1A/1B and 2A/2B teams, but it's too far off to play a week 5 league game in late July and many people will have booked holidays for that weekend already.

Hopefully all club delegates will agree that for future seasons Friday night games are more trouble than they are worth when the venue is not controlled by the CSL or any of its clubs. Pembroke will definitely be moving or supporting a motion to that effect. Clubs could organise their own Friday night games if they wish, but they should no longer be scheduled by the CSL.

Re: Not-So Super Friday

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 12:43 am
by DP_
Is it a legitimate cancellation? I'm interstate but I understand the weather's been pretty rubbish. Perhaps it's a bit rash to can the whole concept based on a bit of bad luck. It seemed like a great idea to me - 8 clubs at one venue on one night, with official ARs - sounds like a quality event that the CSL doesn't have many of apart from the cup final which only really interests the teams competing. Obviously it's frustrating when things like this happen but I'd hope we as clubs can be a bit ambitious and give events like this a chance to succeed even if there are problems the first time around.

Re: Not-So Super Friday

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 8:05 am
by buzzy
I must say I agreed with you at first Ross but DP makes some good points. I think the crucial factor in this instance was the late notice. I'm confident most clubs will find a fair solution but the fact we had to do it 30 hours prior to kick off makes it infuriating. Surely someone at FFSA could have looked at their calender and the weather forecast and made this decision on Monday? I'll certainly be contacting them asking for an explanation.

Thanks to Karl from Grads Red for his help in finding a solution that was both fair and maintained the integrity of the league, particularly division 1A. We spent yesterday afternoon (when I was supposed to be doing a Uni assignment!) trying to find an alternate ground for Friday night so the game could go ahead. When this wasn't possible we discussed that it was important the game went ahead this weekend but in the end the scheduling change affected at least seven players and one coach between the two teams! It would not have been a fair representation of the league if this game went ahead not only for division 1A, but also the flow on effect to 1b, 3, 4, and 5.

We have re-scheduled the fixture to Saturday July 27th - the weekend that was free of all games for 1A. The two teams play again three weeks later which isn't perfect but it's a reasonable compromise. I agree with DP that our league should continue to be ambitious. I think as long as there is one "free Saturday" for the year to potentially re-schedule the Super Friday could continue. Personally, having enjoyed our hit out against Rostrevor under lights earlier this year I was really looking forward to this marquee event tonight.

Re: Not-So Super Friday

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 9:15 am
The quality of the 'Main' Burton pitch is mediocre at the best of times so it must have been bad.
Friday night Super games are a great concept, but I feel this has been handled poorly by the FFSA. Less than 24 hours’ notice is not sufficient. Again high-lighting that being affiliated with the FFSA isn't all roses.
In an ideal world the CSL would have its own two pitch facility but who has got the money for that!

Re: Not-So Super Friday

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 10:46 am
by Ross30
The timing of the cancellation is clearly the main problem. The other issue is that I think this is not the first time that FFSA has cancelled the use of its facilities by CSL teams.

I can only speculate as to whether the pitches would actually have been ok to play on tonight. But if a new facility can't host Friday games after rain from Monday to Wednesday followed by 2 days of mainly dry weather then something is wrong. If the main reason is protection of the pitches for more "important" users then that is understandable but, as Buzz says, in that case this problem was totally foreseeable and FFSA should have looked at the weather forecast and cancelled the Friday games very early in the week. Crossing your fingers and waiting until the last minute is not a sound method of planning. At such late notice I query whether the teams should have been permitted to turn-up and have the referees decide whether the games should go ahead.

Super Friday is a good idea in theory, don't get me wrong. Our players were looking forward to the game and seeing other teams in action. But if people want to say this was simply bad luck and we'll hope for better luck next time then you are going to be disappointed and inconvenienced again in the future. Participation in Friday night games at Burton should no longer be mandatory.

Re: Not-So Super Friday

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 11:26 am
Agreed that the decision making by FFSA has been poor and clubs have a right to be angry at it.
How are the Friday night fixtures determined? I thought clubs elected to play in them?
If this is not the first time a cancellation has happened then it makes you question what sort of priority the CSL holds with the FFSA

Re: Not-So Super Friday

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 12:53 pm
by John Pits
I must admit, being as involved in the club as I am it was a frustrating day yesterday getting in contact with players only to find that many were unavailable (including our A Grade coach who had booked a weekend away in Claire with his wife). Karl and James rang around a few venues to see if we could play the game elsewhere under lights but in the end Mercedes suggested the July rescheduling and we thank them very much for this.
It is a bit disappointing to say the least especially when a lot of teams didn't want to play Friday night in the first place, and even requested to be omitted from any Friday night games altogether at the plenary. If Burton pitches can't sustain a few matches, what chance do ours have when we are scheduled for 3 matches this week? The whole situation stinks, and it leaves the CSL committee in a difficult situation which is of no fault of their own - and no doubt has left them scrambling around unnecessarily trying to find a solution.
Special praise to Mercedes for their understanding and help in the matter.

Re: Not-So Super Friday

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 3:50 pm
by chelsea
last 4 days rainfall at Burton.

Friday 0mm
Thursday 0.4mm
Wednesday 4.4mm
Tuesday 5.4mm

Total = 10.2 over 4 days - 0.4 over the last 2 days.

If this warrants a cancellation then there is no point booking these pitches again. I wander if the automatic sprinklers kept coming on this week? They would of given the ground a better soaking.

FFSA knew what the weather forecast was on Monday. Why not ring the CSL earlier or maybe even say " We are concerned about our pitches. Friday night can go ahead but only 1 game per pitch". Compromise. CSL makes contact with clubs and makes a decision which 2 games stay on Friday and which 2 go to Saturday or are postponed.

Grades Red v Mercedes and Regency v Sacred Heart have been postponed.

Come up to see Rostrevor v Pembroke at Rostrevor. Our pitch would of had far more rain then Burton but at this stage in the year it is in top condition.

Also be interesting to see if the other Friday night games go ahead this year at Burton.

I have always mentioned to the CSL that league games should not be played on Friday nights. The league should be even for all clubs. Play away and home once. Makes everything equal. Night games can be used for cup rounds. Thats what I want to see one day.

Re: Not-So Super Friday

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 4:18 pm
by Balotelli
Very good points Mr Chelsea.

Re: Not-So Super Friday

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 7:31 pm
by DMW ... l-funding/

Lets hope the Pitch at West Beach is an improvement on Burton.