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Re: Div 2A 2012

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 6:18 pm
by crusader
no there scared

Re: Div 2A 2012

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 6:19 pm
by crusader
or was it too old or any other excuse . i say put 2nd and 3 rd up if they dont want to go

Re: Div 2A 2012

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 7:23 pm
by chelsea
At the last meeting it was discussed. If Windsor finish in top 2 then only 1 team would go up.
If we can get an over 35s going in 2013 then Windsor will most likley go there. Windsor would of been good in Div 1 3/4 years ago but not now.

Re: Div 2A 2012

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 11:42 pm
by Balotelli
Isn't the issue with Windsor purely to do with them having only 1 team (and saying they will not even try to go to 2 teams)? People speculate about how they would fare in div 1A, but that it is irrelevant. If they finish in the top 2 and have 2 teams then they get promoted, regardless of age or aspirations. If they have 1 team, they can't be promoted as things currently stand.

Re: Div 2A 2012

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 3:51 pm
by crusader
I am not sure why a club with only one team is able to dictate how the whole 2 divisions are run,1 team up and 1 team down. Would make more sense to promote 2 and drop 2 as thats the way is has been for years. If one team is unable to go up then the next on the ladder gets it.

Re: Div 2A 2012

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 3:52 pm
by crusader
that sure would make a very exciting few weeks for about 5 clubs in div 2 alone. Seems that as they are not going up they have given up

Re: Div 2A 2012

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 12:02 am
by Ross30
Crusader - I'm pretty sure your club, Mt Barker, indicated at the last CSL delegates' meeting that it was opposed to being promoted in the event it finished 3rd in div 2A (assuming Windsor finished in the top 2 and weren't expanding to 2 teams). There was some support for the 3rd placed team being promoted, but the representatives of the clubs most likely to be affected appeared to be against it. I think that was a major reason why the subsequent vote went strongly in favour of only 1 team being promoted from division 2A this year. Clubs had their say, a proposal was put and each club in attendance had 1 vote. If a decision had been made purely by the CSL Executive Committee members and without consultation with the affected clubs in divison 2A, I dare say that the 3rd placed team would have been required to be promoted.

As others have said, the only issue stopping Windsor being promoted is the fact they have only 1 team. Whether they'd be competitive in division 1A and whether they'd want to go up were not relevant factors. I think they've always said they are happy to play in whatever division they're told to. At least they're playing against A grade teams this season. That's better than playing everyone else's C teams.

Re: Div 2A 2012

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 9:52 am
by yak
Good stuff Ross - the key here is CSL consulted with the clubs in question. Whilst we'd all like to see the best clubs promoted, we also need them to be 2 team clubs under the current structure.
Personally i'd love to see Windsor go about their business in A1 - they are an excellent team, but if they can't create a 2nd team - so be it.
At least in 2A they are being challenged more - last season they averaged 6+ goals per game, this year it's closer to 3 and at least they've conceded points this year.
In saying that - they are still clearly a class above the rest of 2A & i'd say they would be a top 3 team in 1A too.
It's a difficult issue, but i think the league is going about things in the right way.

Re: Div 2A 2012

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 11:31 am
by crusader
but didnt they go up to div 2 with only one team whats the difference to going up to div 1 as the are going to win the league. They can have another team playing as their Bs as they are this year

Re: Div 2A 2012

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 8:43 pm
by Squeezy Cheesey Peas
Yeh... Regardless of opinions, the decision was voted on and thats that!! Democracy is always the best way!!
Only critique would be that the decison should have been made, voted on, agreed at the outset of the season.
Question though.. will the situation be revisited for next season?? It could be a case of Div 2 constipation if only one team goes up / down for the next few years and really would stifle the opportunities for the growing clubs to 'have a go' maybe?
Not bothered either way myself but another vote should be considered before 2013 kicks off.