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Re: Referees

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 9:08 am
by yak
Kevin Pieterson? Wow, a bad ref as well as a dickhead cricketer??

Re: Referees

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 9:58 am
by wojindows
Note that the email address in the form was incorrect - it's now been updated.

Re: Referees

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 1:26 pm
by ChrisRogers
Scotch vs Pulteney A's were without a Ref last Saturday. First time we haven't had one rock up for the A's in a while...

On the plus side, one of our supporters picked up the whistle and did a really good job.

Re: Referees

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2011 5:29 pm
by twattybollocks
Doesn't help that teams like Unley continually use linesman who cheat outrageously. Raising a flag when the opposition is anywhere near the goal is pathetic. To be expected in a club with such an ugly team 'culture' (i use 'culture' in the microbe sense).

Re: Referees

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2011 9:13 pm
by LGA
Offside is a law in football which states that if a player is in an offside position when the ball is touched or played by a team mate, he may not become actively involved in the play. A player is in an offside position if he is closer to the opponent's goal line than both the ball and the second-to-last defender (which is usually the last outfield player), but only if the player is on his opponent's half of the pitch. "Offside position" is a matter of fact, whereas "actively involved" is subject to the interpretation of the officials. Goals scored from an offside position are nullified if caught by the referee
Learn it clown!

As for culture, seems Unley's is better than yours considering you had 4 teams playing at the same venue and 3 people watching your A's attempt to stay in the title hunt.

Again...... CLOWN

Re: Referees

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 10:44 am
by twattybollocks
i love clowns

Re: Referees

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 3:07 pm
by John Pits
If any of you lads get a referee by the name Yuming, do yourselves a favour and officiate the game yourselves.

He refereed the Grads Red vs CBC matches on Saturday and it was the most infuriating performance I have ever witnessed.

There was an indirect free-kick given for a pass-back (amazed he knew that rule), the player then shot the free-kick into the wall that was standing on the goal-line, it hit 2 players and went in. Mr Yuming, in all his wisdom, told us that "2 players of the side taking the free-kick had to have touched the ball".

This was just one of MANY ridiculous decisions. You think that Dokic lookalike is bad? Wait for the brilliance that is Mr Yuming.

FFSA clearly don't give a rat's about the CSL and with appointments like these, it's pretty obvious. Something needs to be done soon.

Re: Referees

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 9:47 pm
by dash riprock
There have been some truley awful refereeing performances this season from a number of appointed officials.... There have been as many good as there have ben indifferent and awful in all fairness. There is a form on the CSL home page for reporting refs and we have been told to use it when required but thats often tto late to change a result. Personally, I have found the whole direction of a game has changed due to refs being incompetent and players not being mature or mentally tough enough to get on with the game at hand.. Has cost out team a few points due to the guys getting wound up to the point of implosion!!
Was the result affecte by the ref in the Grads Red v CBC game??? Hopefully not as it would be an awful way to lose the championship I'm sure......
Watch out for Keith pearson as well......... Another ref who gets a nose bleed if he leaves the centre circle and refuses to acknowledge either sides linesman!! :evil:

Re: Referees

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 2:06 pm
by John Pits

Hey mate, the refereeing did alter the score to a degree, but looking at the game as a whole, I didn't think we deserved to win in any case regardless, so it's not AS hurtful as it could have been.

In regards to that form that is filled out, I know for a fact that the form was filled out 1 week earlier by the Uni Black female team about the exact same referee and nothing was obviously done about it. Not only does this referee not know the rules, but surely they can appoint another referee to come and help him out for his first few games or give him some sort of guidance, it's really not fair on the CSL clubs.

The bloke didn't even have a stop-watch, I shit you not.

Re: Referees

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 9:57 pm
by UniSA
It was made reasonably clear that the league/FFSA can't do much about one-off reports about referee performance, however continued reports on referee performance builds a pattern of behaviour. So fill out the necessary forms if necessary and maybe something will be done in the future.

That is a very good comment about having people go and watch him, if he is new to the refereeing game. The FFSA are obviously struggling to fill vacancies and are rushing new recruits through, and these sorts of inexperienced referees are going to get more and more games.