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Re: Uni Whites vs Sacred Heart 1A

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 1:56 pm
by chelsea
I totally agree that there should be no racisim in sport.

Is this where the bad blood started between the clubs?

Is it a clash of personalities at the clubs?

What I am trying to say is that if this happened to another club then I am sure that the game would of been postponed.

Uni White stuffed up but if it happened against Pembroke / Rostrevor etc then I am sure the game would of been replayed.

All I really ask is where did the bad blood start?

Re: Uni Whites vs Sacred Heart 1A

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 2:20 pm
by boots
chelsea wrote: Uni White stuffed up but if it happened against Pembroke / Rostrevor etc then I am sure the game would of been replayed.

All I really ask is where did the bad blood start?
Hard to say if other teams would go for the replay- although I do know that Pembroke have good relations with the Whites- after match pub sessions have always been the case between both teams. I think this is sorely lacking for most teams in the Collegiate League, after the match ends and when the dust settles, handshakes and beers should be the go. Whatever happens on the pitch you leave it there (unless it's something serious like racism or violence which should be appropriately dealth with).

With regards to the bad blood- or whatever you call it, I don't even know if you can call it that, I think it's best not to dig up the past again.

Re: Uni Whites vs Sacred Heart 1A

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 2:34 pm
by chelsea
something is not right between these 2 clubs.

I guess they can work it out together.

biggest disappoinment is that the game did not get played not only for uni white but the whole league.

Re: Uni Whites vs Sacred Heart 1A

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 4:26 pm
by rusty34
Hi all,

Time for some moderating!

Please stay on the original topic and refrain from making any slanderous comments about past events.


Re: Uni Whites vs Sacred Heart 1A

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 4:33 pm
by Piker
absolutely irrelevant who the teams scheduled were.

one team didnt turn up... wouldnt matter who it was, which day and where. its a forfeit offered to SHOC and anyone would take it regardless of the opponent.

disappointing for the CSL and the standings as it probably would've been a ripper game, but thats that. next round should be a cracker.

Re: Uni Whites vs Sacred Heart 1A

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 9:38 pm
by chelsea
In 2011 in Div the following happened. Mercedes didnt turn up for a game v Uni Black. Kickoff was 1130am. Mercedes thought it was 245pm.
Uni Black could of taken the forfeit but they didnt. They played at a later date and Mercedes won easily. 8-1 or something like that.

Anyway we can close the matter and look at the positives of the CSL.

Re: Uni Whites vs Sacred Heart 1A

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 1:08 am
by Totalfootball
5 mins more and the game could have gone ahead, whites stuffed up with incorrect time given however the spirit of playing the game was lost and the coach and players should have a hard look at their attitude and the way in which they wish to set the standard or in this case non standard.

Shame really it would have been a great game.

Re: Uni Whites vs Sacred Heart 1A

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 9:41 am
by wojindows
Obviously there were options to reschedule, however, Sacred Heart were well within their rights to take the forfeit (as explained by Dino on the night). Which they did, irrespective of the reasoning. Therefore the Whites will just have to wear this one, and move on to next week.

We apologise to all the Sacred Heart members who made the trip out to Burton - hopefully it wasn't a complete waste and they got to watch some of the other matches on show. Our lads took the opportunity to drown their sorrows until about 3am in the morning...

Re: Uni Whites vs Sacred Heart 1A

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 10:42 pm
by yak
I heard a few suggested they should forfeit more often (gives them more drinking time).

Re: Uni Whites vs Sacred Heart 1A

Posted: Fri May 25, 2012 10:09 am
by Italia
the game should definitely be replayed.
Sacred Heart - one would think you'd want to win the title fair and square - not like this.
Be the bigger club and replay the game.
Everyone makes mistakes.
and who cares about last season thats done and dusted.
weak by Sacred Heart if they accept the 3 points.